Dragon Ball Manga Vol.24 Chapter 282 : Vegeta’s Complex Mind

Dragon Ball Manga Chapter 282 Colored





Bulma eats some food in the small canyon where they left her and wonders if everyone is playing and forgot about her. Meanwhile, Jheese yells, "Behind you, Butto!!!!" Butta turns around and can't believe Goku is there since he's supposed to be the fastest in the universe. Goku says that maybe he is the second fastest. "What the hell... Besides deflecting my Crusher Ball, it got behind Butta... It's like a bad dream or something..." Butta asks Goku who the hell is that and Goku says, " I'm a Saiyan who grew up on Earth… it seems…" Butta tells him to cut the crap because Saiyans aren't supposed to be that fast, so Goku says it must be from his amazing training. Butta tells him he can't just win speed, and starts attacking Goku. Goku manages to dodge every attack and then Jheese joins in. Goku soon decides to show them that he has more than just speed...

Goku appears behind Butta and kicks him into the distance. He then flies over Butta and elbows him down to the ground. But Goku gets to the ground first and grabs Butta, then throws him aside. Goku yells at Jhees to stop this pointless fight. He says that one and the other are not dead, so he should quickly take them and leave this planet. Vegeta asks Kakarot what the hell he's doing and says he should finish them off. Goku replies that they can't even move so there's no point in killing them. Jheese can't believe what happened to the Ginyu Special Squad, five of the most super-elite warriors in the universe. He goes berserk and flies off, but Goku doesn't care. Kuririn asks him if he is really Goku as Vegeta lands knee first on Butto's neck, killing him. He then sends a ki blast towards Rikuum, blowing him up. Goku can't believe he killed them, but Vegeta just tells him he's naive and berates him for letting one of them escape. "Looks like you didn't quite go Super Saiyan…" Goku wonders about the Super Saiyan thing and Vegeta tells him that no matter how strong he is, there's absolutely no way he can win against Freeza like this. "You don't understand Freeza's fury at all!!!" Speaking of which, Freeza approaches the house of the oldest…