Dragon Ball Manga Vol.28 Chapter 341 : What’s Wrong, Son Goku?

Dragon Ball Manga Chapter 341 Colored





Goku rushes forward and #19 holds out his hand to stop him, but Goku disappears right in front of him. Goku then reappears behind him and elbows him, sending #19 flying into the rocks. #19 gets out of the wreckage and flies forward, but Goku reaches out to stop him, then kicks #19 into the air. Goku heads into the air behind him and #19 dodges a punch. Goku dodges some punches from #19. #19 reaches out but Goku blocks it, then knees #19 in the stomach and elbows #19 in the face. Tenshinhan is stunned, thinking that the Super Saiyan is a dimension apart from them, and Piccolo somewhat agrees. Goku hits #19 hard and #20 thinks it's really bad, #19's energy runs out before he can take any of Goku's power.

Yamcha, Gohan and Kuririn landed next to Piccolo and Tenshinhan and Tenshinhan told Gohan that his father was doing great. Goku punches number 19 in the face a few times and Yamcha thinks he may have been wrong as the energy was absorbed. However, Gohan is not so thrilled. Piccolo asks him if he noticed that too and Gohan says he did. Piccolo says that for some reason Son Goku is rushing this fight and he's nearing full strength, but still his condition is... Tenshinhan wonders what he's talking about and Piccolo says that Goku's strength as a Super Saiyan should be much bigger than this. Gohan tells him about how Yamcha absorbed his energy and wonders if that could be the reason, and Piccolo asks about it. Yamcha says, "Yeah, he grabbed my face with his hand... Even though I didn't do anything, I felt my ki being quickly drained..."

Goku kicks #19 and sends him to the ground, but when the smoke clears, he's fine. Yamcha is surprised, but Tenshinhan says that artificial humans don't seem to have pain or fatigue. However, Goku was panting a lot but still shot Kamehameha at No. 19. No. 20 gets excited and No. 19 reaches out to catch Kamehameha. He absorbs the whole thing into his hand. Yamcha realizes that he was right after all, and Piccolo yells at Goku not to shoot any kind of ki because they can absorb ki with their hands. Goku is surprised to hear this and is now breathing heavily. Kuririn wonders if they stole that much ki, but Piccolo says that's not possible. Number 20 says that Number 19 is at maximum power while Son Goku's energy is decreasing. And #19 charges forward at Goku.