Dragon Ball Manga Vol.30 Chapter 359 : God Has Seen It!!

Dragon Ball Manga Chapter 359 Colored





Trunks says there's little that can be done except put this old one back in his capsule, and Bulma says he's really a genius building a time machine in the future. Trunks puts it down and then his newer one and Bulma wants to take the eggshell. Gohan tells Bulma that everyone is gathering at Muten Roshi's house and she asks why. Gohan just says that three artificial humans have been activated and are after his life, but because of his father's illness, they have to hide him. Bulma wonders why they can't all just beat them up, but Trunks says it's not that simple, his dad, himself, Piccolo and Tenshinhan couldn't do anything against them. Bulma is surprised and then asks about Vegeta. Trunks says he healed with the senzu, but then left separately from everyone else.

Gohan notices something and then slowly makes his way towards it. Then he stops and tells everyone to come take a look. Trunks and Bulma drive over and Gohan points at some giant thing. They wonder if he's dead, and Gohan takes a close look and says that it's a flayed skin. Bulma can't believe there would be such a huge cicada here. Gohan says it's not a cicada, and Trunks claims it was the contents of the egg that was traveling in the time machine. Gohan agrees and now it has grown and shed its skin. Bulma wonders what could have come out, but Gohan has no idea. Trunks just wants to know how it happened this time, did someone send it or did someone ride it in a time machine? And they still have no idea why it came. Trunks puts his hand into his skin and there is goo, meaning he recently shed his skin. Everyone looks around and Bulma says she has a bad feeling about it. She then says that they need to get out of here quickly and tells them to go to Kame House and contact her if anything happens. Bulma tells Trunks to come visit sometime as she leaves, his grandparents would be happy. Gohan and Trunks also fly off and Trunks thinks about things.

The stolen van is parked somewhere and number 18 is looking for new clothes. Right now she's got some ugly cowgirl clothes, but she's decided she'll have to settle because there's nothing better to do in a madhouse like this. She then leaves the store and the clerk protests that she didn't pay. The salesman follows her to the van, but stops when he sees the number 16 through the window. But after leaving, he calls the police and reports the robbery. Number 17 teases her about her outfit and Number 18 gets angry and says they'll have to find a bigger town. Then they notice that the cops are after them. Number 18 opens the door while the van is still moving and flies back and crashes through the hood of the police car, sending it crashing into a mountain. Then they go back to the van and apparently the cops are still alive (barely).

God freaks out and Piccolo asks what's going on. The god wants to know what the monster is, and Piccolo wonders what kind of monster he's talking about. The god is speechless and Piccolo yells at him to speak to see if it has anything to do with the time machine. On her plane, Bulma hears a man say that the scheduled program will be interrupted due to intelligence. About an hour ago, they lost all contact with Ginger Town, a suburb of West City. They then sent an investigation team to the area and reported that all the citizens had suddenly disappeared. There is no sign of people at all. Currently, the source of this strange and unusual situation is... Bulma says it's near where the time machine was.