Dragon Ball Manga Vol.41 Chapter 501 : A Savior Appears?!

Dragon Ball Manga Chapter 501 Colored





Boo thinks Gohan is getting really weak, prompting Gohan to lunge at him with a punch, though Boo easily dodges it and slams Gohan into the ground. Gohan fires a shot back at Boo, but he quickly connects his arms and hits the shot back at Gohan. The blast shoots straight into the ground and blasts off into space on the other side of the planet. Gohan is still down in the hole and Boo flies after him. Boo figures he has about ten minutes left and he really wants to entertain them. Dende tells Mr. Satan to take the dog and get out of here, but Satan says that a champion cannot do such a thing. Satan pulls out his .45 and says he's going to blast Boo with it. Dende is speechless…

Back in the Kaiōshin Realm, Goku prepares to teleport away, but the old Kaiōshin tells him to wait. He asks Goku how he plans to defeat Boo. Goku suddenly gets the idea to use Fusion with Gohan. Old Kaiōshin doubts that Boo would just stand there and wait for them to strike poses for it, and Goku questions why he even said to go beat up Boo then. Old Kaiōshin takes off his earrings and tells Goku to put one of these Potars on his left ear. Then have Gohan place the other Potara on his right ear and connect. But this is better than Fusion and Potara are an ancient Kaiōshin treasure. He wants the younger Kaiōshin to test it using his own Potara with Kibito. Kibito and Kaiōshin put on the Potara and suddenly...

Gohan suddenly comes hurtling off the ground and lands hard, looking pretty damaged. Dende flies to him and quickly heals him, just before Boo flies out of the ground himself. Boo prepares to finish off Gohan until she notices him getting up and fully healed again. Boo notes that Gohan has been restored but hasn't turned on much. Boo hits Gohan with a kiai blast wave and then fires at Dende. Satan fires his 45 and it works! Well, we actually see a pair of hands in the Kikōhō formation. Tenshinhan comes in and says that Sona barely recognizes Gohan. Majin Boo has also changed. Boo says another poor little fry has arrived, but a little fry is still a little fry.

Kaiōshin and Kibito have now merged and generally look like a taller Kaiōshin with long straight hair. Kaiōshin gets excited by his increase in strength and claims that he can fight too, but the old Kaiōshin bursts his bubble. Goku thinks it's amazing and asks how long the fusion takes. Old Kaiōshin says potara fusion lasts forever. Kaiōshin is not so excited now. Goku thinks it stinks, but there's no getting around it. When it's calm, he'll have to go to Gohan's school and stuff. The old man tells him to hurry before Gohan dies, so Goku prepares to teleport away. Boo has formed a large orb above his head and is about to kill them all. Tenshinhan thinks Boo is a dimension ahead of him as Satan aims his weapon to take Boo…