Dragon Ball Manga Vol.42 Chapter 510 : Vegeta and Kakarrot

Dragon Ball Manga Chapter 510 Colored





Vegeta begins the narration. “So it's finally begun... The final battle where the fate of the entire universe is at stake...!! Boo flies at Goku, but Goku fires a Kamehameha, obliterating Boo from the waist down. Boo quickly recovered, but right after that Goku got behind him and knocked him to the ground. Boo inflates into a parachute shape to land safely, and Goku lands as well. Goku charges forward as Boo slams his own foot into the ground. Boo's foot comes back from the ground right in front of Goku and kicks him in the face. Goku does a few back flips to get away from the leg as it keeps trying to kick him. Boo fires a huge blast at Goku, but Goku teleports away and kicks Boo in the face. Boo then punches Goku and they begin exchanging a flurry of blows.

“Kakarrot… An amazing guy, you are… That Majin Boo, he was an opponent I couldn't stand against at all… The only one who can fight him is you… I have a feeling you somehow know ... Why is it that I, who should be a genius, can't compete with you..." Boo kicks Goku. "I thought it was because you had things you wanted to protect..." Goku hits Boo with a light explosion. "I thought your strong will to protect brought mysterious powers... I guess it was definitely there, but now I have the same thing... I fought for my way of thinking, for my pleasure, for killing my enemies and for my pride…” Boo bites Goku's arm.

“But he's different... He doesn't fight to win. He fights to absolutely not lose, constantly pushing his limits…! That's why he doesn't care about his opponent's life... He didn't even kill me...” Goku locks Bo and bites his head. "Like he totally knew I'd become a person who has a bit of a heart for people like I am now… It pisses me off…!" Boo tries to rip Goku off with his front lock, but Goku leaps over him. "Thoughtful, a gentle Saiyan who loves to fight...!!" Goku blasts Boo. "Do your best Kakarrot... you're number one!!"

Goku shields himself from a big Kamehameha from Boo and Satan thinks it's a really intense dream. Boo thinks it's won when suddenly another Kamehameha shoots out of the smoke, blowing Boo to pieces. As the smoke clears, it's Goku who says, “Stupid!! This was a real Kamehameha!!” Goku is mad that Bo's physical strength never goes down no matter what you do to him and he can always return to a new state. Vegeta goes to Goku and Goku hopes it's not time to shut down. Vegeta says he never meant to fight anyway. Vegeta says that Boo is definitely stronger than you think, but so is Kakarrot. She tells him to go ahead and finish Boo. Goku thought he could, but he hadn't gotten the chance yet. He needs a minute to collect his ki. Goku wishes they wouldn't destroy Potara. Boo begins to reform again, taunting them, so Vegeta says he'll give him the minute he needs.